Pre-conception treatment
Preconception – giving your child the best possible start
There is a growing awareness amongst parents-to-be, about the importance of general health. Understanding the risk factors which could affect the un-born baby, and the mother, can help to reduce complications at any stage from conception onwards, and the health of the father, too, can impact on the health of the sperm before fertilization.
Most people are aware that factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and drug use do not support the health of the mother during her pregnancy. Other factors such as poor nutrition, and unhealthy weight should be addressed too. However, far fewer people recognize the increasing toxicity in today’s world, and the effect this has on their bodies. For example, how many people recognize the need to have their silver amalgams removed before they conceive their children? Since the mother’s body supports the infant from conception, until after breast-feeding has ceased, her health tends to have more of an impact on that of the child than that of the father.

Considering the three stages – conception, pregnancy and lactation separately, we can see that preconception health is probably the most important. Becoming a parent carries a huge responsibility, and a healthy sperm and egg are the starting point for healthy new life. This requires the hormones to be in balance, and the organs of reproduction to be healthy. Once the pregnancy begins, the fetus shares the mother’s blood supply via the placenta, and it is important to be aware of the many toxic substances that can pass the placental barrier. After delivery, lactation begins, and again, many toxins can pass into the breast milk.
So what are these toxins that can pass from parent to baby? The main culprits are heavy metals, and in particular, mercury, although herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals can disrupt hormone balance to such an extent that fertility is the first hurdle.
Many mothers have a history of silver amalgam fillings. These constantly leach mercury into the body, and the placental barrier is pervious to these compounds. Other heavy metals are a hazard in this regard too. This is why most infants are, in fact, born toxic. Since heavy metals can disrupt the DNA inside cells, it is also possible that heavy metal toxicity can be passed on by the father, too.
What difference does mercury make? The most immuno-toxic substances are heavy metals, such as mercury and lead. Once a child is born from ‘mercury’ parents, his or her immune system is compromised - these are the babies who get ear infections and throat infections – in fact, infections of any sort. These are the children who need antibiotics. And, antibiotics have their own attendant problems, and can lead to increasing immuno-suppression. More
So how do we give our off-spring the best chance? When a pregnancy is planned, both parents can have the heavy metals and toxins removed from their bodies, and ought to have their silver amalgams removed too (under supervision) More. Any underlying infections can be treated, and the stronger the immune system of the mother, the less likelihood of illness during pregnancy.
At the core of the mother’s health is the bone marrow, which makes all new blood cells – the white cells which are central to a healthy immune system, and red cells which are responsible for carrying oxygen to every cell of the developing foetus.
Avoidance of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is paramount. A survey in 2008, of 13,000 children found that women who use a mobile phone two or three times a day during pregnancy are more likely to have children with behavioural problems such as hyperactivity, difficulty controlling their emotions and difficulty in developing good relationships with others. Just as important, heavy duty cell phone use during pregnancy has linked to increased incidence of miscarriage and birth defects. More
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