Safe amalgam removal

How safe is the removal of dental amalgam fillings? What protective steps can be taken to reduce the risks to your health?

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that mercury is extremely toxic. Although it exists in the food chain – in fish, for example – the greatest route of exposure is dental amalgam fillings. Anyone who has seen ‘smoking teeth’ on YouTube cannot deny the evaporation of mercury vapour from the amalgam in the tooth; yet, the only place deemed safe for its use is in dental amalgams!

Several countries including, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Japan now regulate, or have banned, its use. In the UK it is only pregnant and nursing mothers whom are alerted to its dangers, and advised against the placement of mercury dental amalgam fillings. Time and time again, it has been implicated in the onset of Autistic Spectrum Disorder, a health issue which is growing exponentially.

So, if you are considering the removal of your existing amalgam fillings, what are the risks to health?

The International Academy of Oral Medicine (IAOMT) is the first point of contact. It provides an unbiased, balanced view of the procedure and its attendant problems. The majority of amalgam removal is carried out without consideration for the release of mercurial particulate, which is inhaled, absorbed, or swallowed by the patient.

Field Control Therapy addresses this concern by the use of Bio-resonance testing to determine the capability of the body to undergo the removal treatment without the deleterious effects that can occur from the release of mercury from amalgam particulate. Testing can establish the body’s levels of mercury and its location. More importantly, it can determine whether or not you might be facing a situation whereby even a small amount of amalgam particulate might prove detrimental to your health. With this knowledge, you can make a more informed decision about how to proceed with amalgam removal. In addition, a remedy regime can be prepared to support the body to excrete any residual mercury, resulting from the removal procedure.

For evidence of the exposure of mercury from dental amalgam fillings refer to: The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, The scientific case against mercury amalgam, (2011).

Other related references include:

The University of Calgary (DVD), How mercury causes brain degeneration, (2011)

Wright, Stewart J., Mercury in dental fillings: TheiImpact of mercury on health. Safe removal of dental mercury, and the use of safe options for restoration of teeth.

Ziff, Sam, and Ziff, Michael F, Dentistry without mercury, BioProbe Inc. (1997).

Ziff, Sam, and Ziff, Michael F, Infertility and birth defects: Is mercury from silver dental fillings an unsuspected cause?, BioProbe Inc. (1988).

Ziff, Sam, Silver dental fillings: The toxic time bomb – Can the mercury in your dental fillings poison you? Aurora Press (1984).

Chew, CL; Soh, G; Lee, AS; Yeoh, TS. Long-term dissolution of mercury from a non-mercury-releasing amalgam. Clin Prev Dent. 13(3): 5-7. (1991)

Haley, BE, IAOMT website article

Geijersstam, E; Sandborgh-Englund, G;Jonsson, F; Ekstrand, J. Mercury uptake and kinetics after ingestion of dental amalgam. J Dent Res. 80: 1793-1796 (2001)

Molin, M; Bergman, B; Marklund, SL; Schutz, A; Skervfing, S. Mercury, selenium, and glutathione peroxidease before and after amalgam removal in man. Acta Odontol Scand 48(3): 189-202 (1990)

Snapp, KR; et al. The contribution of dental amalgam to mercury in blood.

J Dent Res, 68(5):780-5, 1989.

Richardson, GM; Inhalation of mercury-contaminated particulate matter by dentists: an overlooked occupational risk. Hum Ecol Risk Assess 9:1519-1531 (2003)

An extensive discussion of this issue is presented in Richardson’s lecture to the IAOMT in October, 2004. A DVD copy of the lecture can be obtained through the Online Store.

Stonehouse, CA; Newman, AP. Mercury vapour release from a dental aspirator. Brit Dental J. 190:558-560 (2001)

Berglund, A; Molin, M. Mercury levels in plasma and urine after removal of all amalgam restorations: the effect of using rubber dams. Dent Mater 13:297-304 (1997)